Убивство у Мюнхені. По червоному сліду - Сергій Миколайович Поганий
Московські вбивці, с. 82–83, 89; Denis Smith, Rogue Tory: TheLife and Legend of John G. Diefenbaker (Toronto, 1997).
“Stevenson Lashes at Russian Colonialism,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 2, 1961; Московські вбивці, с. 84; Joe Holley, “Lev E. Dobriansky. Professor and Foe of Communism, 89,” Washington Post, February 6, 2008; “Dobriansky, Lew E.,” in Ukrainians in North America. ABiographical Directory, ed. Dmytro M. Shtohryn (Champaign, Ill., 1975), pp. 60–61.
Московські вбивці, с. 68–72; “Soviet Agent Confesses Killing Bandera and Rebet as ‘Enemies of Soviet Regime,’” Ukrainian Weekly, November 28, 1961; “Yaroslav S. Stetsko Was Next on the KGB List,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 2, 1961; “Ukrainians Picket Soviet U.N. Mission in Protest Over Murder of Bandera,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 9, 1961.
Московські вбивці, с. 80–81; “Geheimdienste. Bart ab,” Der Spiegel, November 29, 1961.
Московські вбивці, с. 267, 622.
Осип Вергун розповідає (K., 1962); M. Максименко, M. Давидяк і O. Вергун, Провокатори на Заході продовжують діяти (K., 1963); Московські вбивці, с. 92–94.
Мудрик, У боротьбі проти московської агентури, розд. 14.
Полковник Деймон, Справка по документу № 1701, там же, Справка по документу № 1702, 28 ноября 1961, там же, Справка по документу № 1707, 29 ноября 1961, там же, Справка по документу № 2135, 29 ноября 1961; там же, Справка по документу № 193, 8 декабря 1961, Дело оперативной разработки. Кличка «Тарас», т. 6, л. 193, 211, 214–217, 239–243.
В. Никитченко, “Всем начальникам управлений КГБ при СМ УССР”, 27 ноября 1961, Архив СБУ, Киев, ф. 16, оп. 1, д. 930, л. 210; В. Никитченко, “Всем начальникам управлений КГБ при СМ УССР”, 14 февраля 1962, Архив СБУ, ф. 16, оп. 1, д. 932, л. 37–39.
Олександр Сич, Степан Ленкавський: життєвий шлях на тлі історії ОУН (Івано-Франківськ, 1999); “Decalogue,” in Ukraine during World War II: History and Its Aftermath, ed. Yury Boshyk (Edmonton, 1986), pp. 173–74.
Murdered by Moscow: Petlura, Konovalets, Bandera, Three Leaders of the Ukrainian National Liberation Movement, Assassinated at the Orders of Stalin and Khrushchov (London, 1962); “Petlura Trial,” Time, November 7, 1927; Saul S. Friedman, Pogromchik: The Assassination of Simon Petlura (New York, 1976); Henry Abramson, APrayer for the Government: Ukrainians and Jews in Revolutionary Times, 1917–1920 (Cambridge, Mass., 1999), chapter 4.
“Jaroslav Padoch, dedicated community leader, dead at 89,” Ukrainian Weekly, September 6, 1988; Юрій Юзич, “Пластовий характер Степана Бандери”, Київський Пласт. Статіт київських пластунів, 19 січня 2009 <http://kyiv.plast.org.ua/about-plast/articles-by-kyiv-plast/268-plastovy-harakter-stepana-bandery.html>.
Stepan Lenkavsky to Jaroslav Padoch, April 14, 1962; Jaroslav Padoch to Stepan Lenkavsky, April 19, 1962 (Ukrainian Museum and Library of Stamford, Jaroslav Padoch Archive, Correspondence, no. 238).
Stepan Bandera to Jaroslav Padoch, February 7, 1959 (Jaroslav Padoch Archive, Correspondence, no. 208).
Padoch to Osyp Tiushka, January 4, 1960 (Jaroslav Padoch Archive, Additional materials, File 52 [volume 81]).
Lenkavsky to Padoch, May 17, 1962 (Jaroslav Padoch Archive, Correspondence, no. 238).
Lenkavsky to Padoch, May 17 and July 16, 1962 (Jaroslav Padoch Archive, Correspondence, no. 238).
Lenkavsky to Padoch, September 26, 1962 (Jaroslav Padoch Archive, Correspondence, no. 238).
Memorial Addresses for Thomas Joseph Dodd, 92nd Cong., 2nd sess., 1972 (Washington, D.C., 1972); Report of the Select Committee to Investigate Communist Aggression and the Forced Incorporation of the Baltic States into the U.S.S.R.: Third interim report of the Select Committee on Communist Aggression, House of Representatives, Eighty-third Congress, second session, under authority of H. Res. 346 and H. Res. 438 (Washington, D.C., 1972).
Christopher Matthews, Kennedy & Nixon: The Rivalry that Shaped Postwar America (New York, 1997), pp. 52–54.
Lisa Phillips, A Renegade Union: International Organizing and Labor Radicalism (Champaign, Ill., 2013), pp. 105–6; 410–11; Matthews, Kennedy & Nixon, pp. 46–50; James Srodes, Allen Dulles: Master of Spies (New York, 2000), pp. 410–11; Garry Wills, Nixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man (New York, 2002), pp. 24–28.
Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, pp. 329–30; Jonathan H. ĽHommedieu, “Baltic Exiles and the U.S. Congress: Investigations and Legacies of the House Select Committee, 1953–1955,” Journal of American Ethnic History 31, no. 2 (Winter 2012): 41ff.; “Congressman Kersten, Friend of Ukrainians Dies,” Ukrainian Weekly, November 11, 1972.
Lenkavsky to Padoch, April 14, 1962; Padoch to Lenkavsky, April 19 and September 27, 1962 (Jaroslaw Padoch Archive, Correspondence, no. 238).
Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd. Hearings of the Committee on Standards and Conduct. United States Senate. Eighty-Ninth Congress, Second Session, June 22, 23, 24 and 27, and July19, 1966. Part 1: Relationship with Julius Klein (Washington, 1966), pp. 20–21.
“The Attack on the Romanian legation in Berne – February 1955,” Stancodrescu, November 7, 2008 <http://stancodrescu.over-blog.com/article-25803233.html>; Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, p. 318.
John L. Steele, “Assassin Disarmed by Love,” Life, September 7, 1962, pp. 70–72; Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, p. 321.
Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, p. 21; Московські вбивці, с. 345, 603.
“Russians Ignore Protest by Allies – Guards at Wall Exchange Fire,” New York Times, October 9, 1962.